''I know that feeling of uncertainty. That questioning in your head if it is worth the trouble. It’s definitely a roller coaster of emotions… but I can’t explain that rewarding feeling that you get every day while working on something that is just yours''. Ivana is a creator of elegant planners Simply Ollie, and so we talked how she plans her month, what brings order into her universe and how can we be more present👇

Once upon a time ...
Simply Ollie was just a dream of mine. I started to design planners while I was a graphic design student. Primarily I designed planner printables for myself and schoolwork, and after the second year of studies, I started to design planners for people around the world as a freelancer.
When I began noticing my designs on Pinterest and seeing how everything looks as a finished product in stores across the US and online shops, it motivated me to start working on my own brand.
Simply Ollie definitely didn’t come to life overnight. The first product was launched 6 years after I designed my first planner pages, but it was worth the time, love and effort.
Just why (are you creating)?
I can say that cute stationery is my obsession since I was a child, and I loved creating art since I can remember. Drawing simply makes me happy, it relaxes me. I completely love the creative process behind every planner cover and product I worked on. And seeing it all come to life, the look and smell of a final product in my hands is a whole other feeling of excitement that got me hooked.
A list appears in front of you and it’s called '3-to-dos to bring more order into my universe'. What do you write down?
Create a routine that works for you
Stay consistent with your goals
Be grateful for all the little things you have
How do you plan your month?

I always start by writing down important dates, previously scheduled meetings, and birthdays in a monthly plan. After that, I’m filling in the weekly pages of the planner as the weeks unravel. I established a simple routine where I write my to-do’s for the next day just before I go to sleep, and I’ll add additional tasks, personal or work-related, as the day goes by.
I love that feeling of accomplishment as I’m checking the tasks that are done, it gives me a little boost of motivation. And if something is rescheduled or I’m just not in the mood for it, I will simply move it down for some other day and it won’t be forgotten.
What helps you be more present?
I try not to multitask, but to focus and bring my attention to one thing at a time. I have a little list of healthy habits that I would like to follow throughout the day, such as practising yoga and spending time away from my phone.
And my favourite practice of all - my husband and I always celebrate every little success. It’s just a simple thing but it brings us joy. Especially when we get to reflect on how things used to be and where are we now.
What would you tell to someone who is thinking about leaving their job and having a side-hustle?

I would quote what my husband said to me: “Would quitting your job make you happy? If yes, would you rather wake up every morning to work as twice as harder as before.. but on something you love?”. Take your time, write down your goals, and think them through.
I know that feeling of uncertainty. That questioning in your head if it is worth the trouble. It’s definitely a roller coaster of emotions, and you’ll be constantly going through ups and downs… but I can’t explain that rewarding feeling you get every day while working on something that is just yours.
I must admit that even though I left my 9-5 job, I’m still freelancing, and it’s okay for me to have that stability while the Simply Ollie brand grows more and more each day. Go with your feelings ☺️
What do we need more of today?
It must be a cliché to say.. but we need more kindness, empathy, understanding, and acceptance. I believe that we all need to be more mindful of our surroundings and the people around us. Especially in this time of social media, where many are “addicted” to internet presence.
It’s unbelievably easy to say a kind word, to be polite to the cashier at our local store… and that shouldn’t be a surprising thing for them to hear 🙂.
P.S. Find Ivana's lovely Simply Ollie planners here.
P.S.S. Working on something of your own too? Playground is an anti-procrastination platform. Check if its for you.